Jurgielewicz & Son Duck Farm Hosts Penn State Poultry Science Club Shartlesville, PA
Penn State has a very active Poultry Science club. Each Spring and Fall, the club’s advisor, Philip Clauer, takes the students to visit major companies in Pennsylvania’s poultry industry. On April 20, the Club visited one of the leading duck farms in America, Joe Jurgielewicz & Son, Ltd, in Shartlesville. The visit was a unique experience for many of the student since there are only a handful of commercial duck farms in America.
The in-depth tour conducted by Dr. Zach Lowman, the farms geneticist, gave the nine students an inside look at all aspects of duck production. Students were able to see how duck eggs were incubated, hatched, grown out and processed. The tour was very helpful in exposing the Penn State students, who are interested in poultry science, to all business aspects of poultry production. The tour also provided the company the opportunity to showcase all facets of its operation to possible future employees.