Our Ducks

Our Ducks2023-03-14T12:39:14-04:00

All Ducks Must Be Treated Humanely

Joe Jurgielewicz & Son, Ltd. was founded on the core belief that all their ducks must be treated humanely. The Jurgielewicz ducks are raised free-roaming in large temperature-controlled barns and are fed only a nutritious diet of corn and soybeans. The ducks are never fed any antibiotics or hormones to promote growth. Joe Jurgielewicz & Son is the only duck farm in America with two “round-the-clock” veterinarians as well as a full-time duck welfare specialist to train employees and conduct duck welfare audits.

24/7 Vet Care

The ducks at the Jurgielewicz farm have been cared for by a veterinarian since Dr. Joe started the farm; his second son, Dr. Jim, earned his veterinary degree in 2015, and continues to ensure the Jurgielewicz ducks receive the highest quality duck health care.

Dr Jim

24/7 Vet Care

The ducks at the Jurgielewicz farm have been cared for by a veterinarian since Dr. Joe started the farm; his second son, Dr. Jim, earned his veterinary degree in 2015, and continues to ensure the Jurgielewicz ducks receive the highest quality duck health care.

Dr Jim
Heidi Parnin headshot

Corporate Vet Services Manager

Part of the Live Operations Department, Heidi works with all employees, farmers, and auditors to make sure our ducks are raised and handled in the most humane manner possible. Heidi graduated from University of Saint Francis and has worked with us since 2019.

dr joe headshot

Dr. Joe Jurgielewicz, Jr., DVM

Dr. Joe has been owner and operator of Jurgielewicz Duck since 1984. He graduated from Fairfield University with a B.S. in Biology, and Cornell University with a D.V.M in Veterinary Science.

dr jim headshot

Dr. Jim Jurgielewicz, DVM

Dr. Jim is our President and Corporate Veterinarian. He has overseen our ducks’ health and welfare from the hatchery and beyond since 2015.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you feed your ducks?2021-02-02T22:06:25-05:00

Jurgielewicz ducks are fed a highly-nutritious diet containing corn and soybeans developed by duck nutritionists. The ducks are never fed antibiotics to promote growth. As in all poultry, our ducks are never fed hormones.

Do you inject solutions into your duck products?2021-02-02T22:07:02-05:00

Never! Some duck companies inject their duck products with a solution to add weight, moisture and flavor to their duck. Their artificial ingredients add a large amount of unnecessary sodium to the diet. Jurgielewicz ducks are naturally moist and flavorful, so those additives are completely unnecessary.

How humanely are your ducks raised?2021-02-02T22:07:29-05:00

Our employees at Jurgielewicz are held to the highest standards of animal welfare while caring for the ducks. We are fortunate to have a team of employees and families that care as much about the ducks as the Jurgielewicz family. Between having two full-time Jurgielewicz veterinarians and a full-time animal welfare director, we are continuously improving the way we care for and raise the ducks.

Is a Jurgielewicz duck a Long Island duck?2021-02-02T22:08:00-05:00

All Jurgielewicz ducks are descended directly from the original Long Island ducks brought from China in 1873. When the original Jurgielewicz Long Island duck farm in Moriches closed, Long Island ducks were sourced from a neighboring Long Island farm and moved to the Shartlesville, Pennsylvania farm.

What is the difference between a Pekin duck and a Peking duck?2021-02-02T22:09:10-05:00

Pekin duck is a white-feathered breed of duck originating in China. This breed, preferred in the U.S. market, has a mild and moist flavor profile and is not gamey like other breeds including Muscovy, Moulard and Mallard ducks. A Peking duck is a famous Chinese cooking method, tracing its roots to the Imperial Era. Using pumped air, the duck skin is first separated from the fat. The duck is then seasoned and roasted, often in a vertical oven, until the skin is crispy and golden. The finished duck is then traditionally carved table-side and served with a Chinese “pancake”, plum sauce and cucumbers or scallions. Jurgielewicz ducks are preferred by world-class chefs for Peking duck preparation for it perfect skin, moist texture and wonderful flavor.

Should I purchase duck fresh or frozen?2021-02-02T22:09:38-05:00

Jurgielewicz provides both fresh and frozen ducks to foodservice and retail customers as well as to online sales.  Traditionally, many clients prefer fresh product over frozen.  A fresh duck will have the real texture of the meat, and will not require thawing, but must be refrigerated immediately after purchasing. A frozen duck may be purchased well in advance of a planned meal, but will require hours of thawing time.

What is the proper way to thaw duck?2021-02-02T22:10:20-05:00
  1. It is best to thaw the duck in the refrigerator. It takes about 24-48 hours to thaw a whole 4-6 lb. duck. Do not thaw the duck on your kitchen counter.
  2. To thaw in cold water, immerse the duck in its original packaging or in a watertight bag and change the water every 30 minutes. A 4-6 lb. duck will thaw in about 2 hours.
How long do fresh duck products last if refrigerated?2021-02-02T22:10:48-05:00

Fresh duck is typically good for 14 days if kept refrigerated at 32 degrees and the original packaging is unopened. If the package has been opened, duck will last 3-4 days in the refrigerator.

Can I freeze fresh duck and for how long?2021-02-02T22:11:21-05:00